01-23_WASHTO_2025 Annual Meeting
02-23_Recognize_Contributions_of Colton_Snelling
05-23_WASHTO_2026 Annual Meeting
01-22 Resolution Recognizing Brian Ness
02-21 Temporary Suspension on Non-Essential Expenditures
02-20 Delegation of Authority for WASHTO 2021 Annual Meeting
03-20 Delegation of Authority for WASHTO 2022 Annual Meeting
01-19 Resolution Garrett Recognition May 2019
03-19 Purchase of Registration Software fo Use by All Committees of WASHTO
04-19 Delegation of Authority for WASHTO 2021 Annual Mtg
05-19 Guiding Principles for Connected Infrastructure Supporting CAT
01-18 WASHTO Resolution 2019 Annual Meeting
02-18 Registration Fees for the WASHTO Emerging Leaders Program Resolution
03-18 Western Regional Trip Permits Resolution
04-18 WASHTO Committee on Construction and Materials Resolution
05-18 Delegation of Authority for the WASHTO Emerging Leaders Program Resolution
04-17 WASHTO Standing Committees Budgets and Financial Statements
03-17 WASHTO TRAC and Rides Program
02-17 Allowance of Reimbursement of WASHTO Meetings
01-17 Establishing an Emerging Leaders Training Institute Pilot Program
01-16 Delegation of Authority for the WASHTO 2018 Annual Meeting WASHTO delegates its authority for South Dakota to enter into contracts for goods and services for the sole purpose of hosting the WASHTO 2018 Annual Meeting in South Dakota.
04-12 US House and Senate Conference Agreement on Reauthorization of Highway and Transit Programs Directs AASHTO staff to work with Congress to take all measures necessary consistent with AASHTO policy to extend the federal highway and transit programs, maintain or increase current funding levels for the programs, and do so in a way that sustains contract authority.
03-12 Delegation of Authority for the WASHTO 2013 Annual Meeting WASHTO delegates its authority for California to enter into contracts for goods and services for the sole purpose of hosting the WASHTO 2013 Annual Meeting in California.
02-12 Expressing concern with newly implemented National Bridge Inspection Standards contained in 23 CFR 650 Subpart C WASHTO supports a National Bridge Inspection Program that ensures bridges are inspected in a timely manner to assure safe passage for the traveling public. WASHTO expresses strong concern about our ability to comply with 23 metrics contained in the National Bridge Inspection Standards and that these standards need to be revised to restore the bridge inspection program to meet individual state needs while meeting national requirements.
01-12 Expressing concern regarding Environmental Protection Agency and US Army Corps of Engineers, Joint Guidance Pertaining to Clean Water Act Jurisdiction over Wetland, Rivers, Streams and Lakes WASHTO supports the objectives of the Clean Water Act (CWA) in protecting the waters of the United States, including wetlands, lakes, and streams, and recognizes the need to harmonize transportation facilities and programs with the objectives of the CWA. WASHTO urges the Corps and EPA to withdraw the draft CWA guidance and instead initiate a rulemaking and work collaboratively with states and local governments to clarify federal jurisdiction under the CWA in a manner that is reasonable, flexible and respects the roles and responsibilities of state and local governments in ensuring the protection of aquatic resources and provide a ”safe harbor“ that allows ditch maintenance to proceed without the need for a jurisdictional determination or permitting under the CWA.
01-10 Financial Support for Attendance in the WASHTO 2010 Annual Meeting This resolution provides up to $2,000.00 to each Member Agency to facilitate participation in the WASHTO 2010 Annual Meeting.
02-09 Expressing concern about provisions contained in Surface Transportation Authorization Act of 2009. WASHTO supports provisions in the proposed Surface Transportation Authorization Act of 2009 that seek to significantly increase federal investment in our nation’s multimodal transportation systems; recognizes the importance of preserving our existing transportation system and bringing it up to a state of good repair along with some provisions aimed at streamlining the project delivery process.
01-09 Support of the Appointment of Victor Mendez as FHWA Administrator
02-08 Urging Congress to Solve the Projected Highway Trust Fund Deficiency and to Stop Rescissions WASHTO Members resolved that Congress pass legislation to stop the rescission set to impact states in 2009 and to refrain from imposing further rescissions.
01-08 Support for the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission. WASHTO members urge the Commission to investigate all possible means of financing transportation infrastructure that plans for a future in addition to the current fuel tax system, ties revenue to system use, provides long-term options for both high- and low-population density states and addresses the need for connectivity, seeks intelligent investment complemented by better operation of the system, reduces earmarks, set-a-sides and inflexible funding categories, provides clear national goals and purposes and provides for States control and flexibility over the objectives, strategies and approaches regarding how these goals are met.
01-07 Ensuring Full Funding of SAFETEA-LU. WASHTO resolves that Congress should promptly enact legislation to improve the short term balance of the Federal Highway Trust Fund so that SAFETEA-LU can be fully funded while ensuring that the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund would not have a negative balance at the end of FY 2009.
13-04 Adoption of the Sixth Edition of “A Guide for Uniform Laws and Regulations Governing Truck Size and Weight among the WASHTO States”. WASHTO adopts the Sixth Edition of the Guide and resolves that it may be technically updated without approval by the Board of Directors unless the updates include policy additions, deletions or amendments.
12-04 Supporting and Exclusion of the Interstate Highway System from Historic Preservation Requirements.
11-04 Flexibility and Implementation of Environmental and Planning rules and Regulations for transportation Projects and Facilities. WASHTO resolves that the US DOT should adopt only those options or proposals which streamline the planning process, preserve or enhance State flexibility and protects the environment, not adopt options or proposals which impose new requirements, unless strictly required by statue and continue the balance among Federal, State, MPOs and other implementing agencies.
10-04 Trade Flow Studies. WASHTO supports joint studies of freight flow on corridors that cross state boundaries if such studies are intended or general planning purposes of each individual State in establishing priorities through their statewide planning process.
9-04 Maintaining a Strong State Role and Limiting Regulation in Implementation of the Federal Lands Highway Program Under TEA-21. WASHTO resolves that any implementation of the Federal Lands Highway Program should require the State’s concurrence in the selection and planning of projects.
8-04 Study of Proposed Public Forest Service Roads. WASHTO endorses a study to determine whether it is in the public interest to create an approximately 80,000 mile Public Forest Service Road system that supports the general commerce of rural communities and would be operated and maintained by the Forest Service for all vehicle types.
7-04 FHWA Strategic Plan Must More Fully Recognize the Role of States. WASHTO supports reducing regulation of and funding ways to give greater flexibility to States with respect to delivery of Federal Surface Transportation Assistance Programs.
6-04 Urging Full Funding of Essential Air Services (EAS) Program as Authorized by Congress. WASHTO encourages Congress to continue support of the EAS program.
5-04 Federal Support for Branch Line Railroads. WASHTO supports continuing Federal support for short line railroads through either Rail Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing or a successor program from a funding source other than the Highway Trust Fund.
4-04 Opposing Regulatory Expansion and Unfunded Mandates. Urges Congress to streamline the requirements in the Federal-aid Highway program and states that WASHTO opposes new mandates and regulations that impede project development and that impose unfunded requirements on the program.
3-04 Safety Sanctions Within the Federal-Aid Highway Program. WASHTO States affirm that safety is a primary focus of all surface transportation programs and does not believe in funding sanctions that may prevent states from addressing their highest safety priorities.
2-04 Support for Beneficial Budgetary Mechanisms. WASHTO supports utilizing all revenues going to the Highway Trust Fund and the Airport and Airways Trust Fund for transportation purposes.
1-04 Supporting Uniformity of State Motor Carrier Procedures. Top priority is to achieve uniformity of motor carrier laws and regulations to extent possible.
4-00 Classification of Bureau of Land Management Roads. Request the US DOT to undertake a study in cooperation with States and Federal agencies to review criteria agencies use to determine whether their road miles are to be classified as public or not.
2-00 WASHTO Sub-Committee on Maintenance. Opposition to the MUTCD requirement that prohibits options for edge delineation.
3-99 Regarding a Request. Requesting Federal Highways to provide leadership and set standards for the interoperability of “CVISN” operational and program screening systems.
1-99 U.S. DOT Planning and Environmental Rules Should Increase State Flexibility and Streamline Planning and Environmental Review Processes. Provides that Congress in passing the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) adopted a number of reforms which streamlined the planning and environmental review processes for transportation projects, including provisions:
- directing US DOT to streamline the environmental review process;
- reducing the number of planning factors to be considered;
- abolishing a separate requirement for so-called major investment studies; and
- specifying that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) does not apply to the Federal transportation planning process.
12-97 Resolution on Alternative Transportation Financing Initiative. Agrees that WASHTO will demonstrate leadership by pursuing an initiative to foster changes in how transportation is financed in the United States. The initiative would develop alternative transportation financing options to meet growing transportation demands. Resolves that WASHTO partner with AASHTO and USDOT in their initiative and requests that AASHTO Standing Committee on Administration oversees the initiative and present a work plan to the AASHTO Annual Meeting.
11-97 Western Transportation Trade Network Phase II Study. This resolution was referred back to the Standing Committee on Planning for clarification. The resolution was revised and sent to each for Mail Ballot on February 11, 1998. The approved resolution accepts the “Proposed WTTN Phase II Scope of Work – Draft #5”, and establishes a WTTN task force to oversee the study. Colorado Department of Transportation is to provide contract administration. The Standing Committee on Planning will provide a report to the WASHTO Policy Committee at its annual meeting in 1998.
8-97 Weigh Station Bypass Interoperability. Adopts Interoperability as a WASHTO policy and urges member states to develop Interoperability between WS/POE Bypass Systems and Proposals. Encourages states to adopt and implement seven principles of WS/POE Bypass Interoperability.
4-97 Federal Definition of Non-Divisible Loads. Endorses and supports the definition of Non-Divisible Loads found in the “Guide for Uniform Laws and Regulations Governing Truck Size and Weights Among the WASHTO States”. Urges FHWA to initiate rulemaking procedures to reconsider the definition of Non-Divisible Loads and adopt the WASHTO definition.
4-96 Support for the consolidation of Port of Entry Facilities between States that Share Common Borders. States are encouraged to work with each other to identify potential POE consolidation projects. Such efforts should be pursued in coordination with port bypass automation efforts to ensure that scarce transportation funding is not spent on redundant automation equipment.
6-95 Guidance for AASHTO’s Public Testimony on Transportation and Transportation Issues that Divide AASHTO Members. Instructs AASHTO to not include any divisive issues in any testimony prepared for presentation on behalf of the AASHTO organization to Congressional Committees and other national bodies.
5-94 Policy on Contributions in Support of Official WASHTO Meetings. Concerned with avoiding a conflict of interest while encouraging industry or professional associations to participate in the development of annual conferences and meetings and requires vendor exhibits to be on a not-for-profit basis.
3-94 National Highway System Design Standards. Declares WASHTO’s opposition to any congressional attempt to establish national design standards for the NHS and recommends that design responsibility for NHS routes be delegated to the states and that state selected standards be in accordance with AASHTO design standards.
9-93 Flexibility and Interpretation of Environmental Rules and Regulations for Transportation Projects and Facilities. The WASHTO states are confronted with different environmental legislative acts and are concerned with the cost and effectiveness of implementing rules and regulations and request AASHTO to 1) Ensure that rules and regulations are consistent with the intent of the law and encourage uniform application by federal agencies; 2) Promote increased flexibility and the use and acceptance of programmatic mitigation and documentation; 3) Petition appropriate Congressional committees to require economic impact studies on all pending legislation.
4-93 A Policy on Contributions in Support of Official WASHTO Meetings. Concerned with avoiding a conflict of interest while encouraging industry or professional associations to participate in the development of annual conferences and meetings and requires vendor exhibits to be on a not-for-profit basis.